Wednesday, April 9, 2008


It's an overcast wednesday morning in the fe. Got a delicious opportunity to catch up on sleep and am in the preparatory throes of our upcoming concert in one week. This will be a stellar lineup and the first time this sextet will be heard (maybe the only?). I've been sketching a lot of ideas out, utilitizing the DUH! realization that's crystallized so clearly these past couple weeks: notation! Now, seeing that this particular concert will also feature two other composers, i'm not going overboard or anything (especially with the ONE rehearsal we'll have), but damn it feels good to write out those neat little black dots again. I realized, since my last post and two more concerts i've taken in since, that it's quite clear that i need to be writing again. i've been doing the pure improv thing now for several years, and while it's beautiful and not in the least getting discarded, i need structure. the three concerts of staggering inspiration have been rez abassi's organ trio, andy milne & dapp theory and the stunning claudia quintet; the last two from this past weekend. all had kick-ass compositions and puh-lenty of improv. DUH!

One of the primary things i'm doing now is providing purely rhythmic heads; cued junctions where we can come together out of the ether, nail something together, and then float back up again. music is the shizzit.

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