Saturday, March 15, 2008


saturday night 23:15 just got back from a night out with al. we started at alfanoose, a new lebanese old-skool family-run restaurant...what a rarity that's become lately. we then went to stepbridge studios and hung out with jack clift and later checked out rez abassi at gig. great night of absorption, which i really needed to do.

i've been a bit slack in my yogadoings and diet, and like always i can really tell, as the level of balance and acuity drop off. hope to get back on it this week. i prepped a 25 squarepusherfoot garden the other day; raised some beds and fenced it off in an aesthetically-pleasing manner.

and in gear geek news: i'm now the proud owner of a fender american deluxe cherry sunburst strat with unfinished maple neck, locking tuners, nice tremolo system and S-1 switching. i've never really spent any time with a strat before and i really fell in love with it. even did some recording last week that turned out pretty good.

i'd sure dig having an organ trio.

so les came back from her r n' r in the panhandle state and things have been humming right along. it blows my mind how fast time seems to be moving. things feel so accelerated and fast--and that's just in santa fe. i wonder how/if the freneto-meter is in more bustling cities? or is everyone feeling it? is it a 2012 foreshadowing? hmmm.

i got another perspective on blinding anger and the seeming relegation thereof to the animal domain. it moved up a bit. a couple weeks back i was driving back from a morning hike and i saw this girl running down the snowy sidewalk BAWLING in her socks and shirt. some meatfuck was chasing her and after i scratched my head and passed them i looked in my rear-view mirror and saw him tackle, hit and kick her. wtf?! so i pulled over and called the cops, all shaky and freaked out and scared to do anything because the guy was large, pissed and obviously prone to violence. long story longer i walked down his street to locate him and talked to the operator whilst doing so. cops came, found her, handcuffed him and i don't know what happened after that. i'm not sure of the point of relating all this other than i was pleasantly surprised i could react that strongly.

my dad had some breathing difficulties last week and spent six hours in a phoenix emergency room waiting room. seems it was a blood pressure drug thing, but the scare was it was a myasthenia gravis crisis, which could be a breathing problem and could be severe. he was diagnosed with this last fall and so far its only manifesting in his vision and face. i know my parents aren't going to be around forever, it just feels more real when something like that happens.

had a big scare with noni a couple days ago. i was trudging through some new discoveries around the burns trail and she took off after something. next thing i know, WAY across the valley and up this gynormous hill she goes bounding and then leaps over the guardrail for the ski mountain highway (byway?). i totally freaked, yelled and screamed and clapped and prayed and cried and felt so powerless. what was worse was i couldn't see where she went. then cars start coming from both directions, one of which was a huge blind corner. ugh. long story mildly-shorter than before: i ran down the hill and she was sniffling around the river, oblivious to my yelling. five minutes previous her mommma had taken off to look for her--maybe she found her, maybe not, but after putting noni's lead on i had to then yell for tesia, as she was nowhere to be found. made it back ok and actually found myself needing a pint, a need i availed myself of over at second streety brewery where my friends matt and sean were playing. hate to say it, but it was tremendously therapeutic. that's about my quota for the month, then!

folks are consistently coming out of the flu 'epidemic' and into the new light of daylight savings. guess there's politics going on, protests, births, deaths, starts, finishes, g minor seven chords, fish frys and floods all churning in the butter-matic for the bready lubrication of an entity-who-shall-not-be-named.

Monday, March 3, 2008

chocolate vein

it's monday night and i'm listening to the roots and blogging from home; bit the bullet and finally got a wireless signal of my own emanation. no more relying on neighbors for this homeslice. listening to the roots--?uestlove is the shizzit.

les is in florida and will be returning tomorrow night. i'd like to say it's been great having the place to myself, but i've been go-go-going ever since dropping her off at 5am on saturday and have been working ever since. luckily it's my weekend now and i can let my hair down. in fact i think i'll do just that.

that's better. yeah-it's tough being a single doggydad; i can't even conceive of the level of stress and lack of sleep a real daddylife would entail. luckily we have a doggydoor now so are able to leave the dogs without worrying too much, which is a real godsend.

tomorrow i'm playing at vanessie's as part of a public conversation put on by creative santa fe, of which i'm still a board member. i'd always heard of this place but had never been, and after a gift certificate found its way into our hands we went there a month or so ago and it sucked! overpriced and poorly prepared. we were expecting something along the lines of geronimo's but hit closer to applebees. okay, it wasn't THAT bad, but i sure wouldn't pay to eat there.

went to peter breslin's duology4 on saturday. a former student of mine, morgan wells, was one of the participants. all in all it was a good night but i had issues with the sound levels. ran into john and tricia and julia, who wants to talk this week about my comic in the santa fe reporter!!! i don't know what will come of it but am hopeful. peter's the shizzit too. i'd love to hear him do a duet with the aforementioned ?uestlove...him, along with other duets with Diamanda Gala and Kevin Kling.

I eschewed pat metheny last night, largely due to fatigue. I was happy to hear a couple of my students attended, though. The weather is warming up here in general, though it snowed last night and was a bit chilly today, especially up on the mountain. i went off the trail at one point and quickly found myself up to my ass in snow. i had to roll out and then maximize flesh-to-snow contact by walking on my hands and knees back to the trail again. yowza.

set up my studio for recording again and hope to have some new mp3s to share in the days ahead. i'm sure there's more i'm missing, but that about brings me up to date.