Sunday, December 16, 2007

happy inch

i was just googling old friend and contacts and learned that david hanbury has been in louisville performing hedwig on stage. can't imagine a better pre-written role for the guy. brilliant cat.

in one week me and the girls will be making the trek down to phoenix for a couple days of family-ness. dad is already forecasting snowy conditions near flagstaff and recommending we try shooting for tucson. i'm sure that'll all change soon enough...good to know someone who's down with the weather channel! and he turned 71 today: happy bday, pop.

this past week found me scurrying around: hung the last five of the thirteen photos that are now on display/sale at exit gallery (204 north guadalupe) in time for our (me and the four other artists involved) opening reception on dec. 29. wish me luck in at least breaking even! then i hosted the full circle guitar recital three nights ago. about 22 folks performed and we filled the room up pretty well with families and well-wishers. looking forward to the next one in the spring!

it's been damn cold here lately, but am still out in the mountains several days a week and am also happy to report i've been keeping up on my yoga practice with an average of four times a week.

i've been shooting lots of pics outside lately and would be processing the last round but my stoopid computer's memory is full so it's been tricky. might be time for a new laptop, methinks. a new higher-megapixel camera would be groovy too...

that'll do for now.............

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